
The Books

What Allah Likes and Dislikes

Eleventh Edition
A reference book in all what God likes and dislikes of worships, people, things, lands, affairs etc...

Prayer, Sport, and Body

Third Edition
A reference book about the health & physical benefits of the prayer's movements of the Muslim...

How To Male Could Be Successful and Popular

Third Edition
The methods for man to be successful and popular in the most fields of life...

The Satanic Nakedness

Third Edition

The plan that Satan use it step by step to undress the woman from her clothes...

Our Meetings. Where To

Third Edition

The bad meetings and what happen inside it and how to behave toward it.

Your Body and TV

Third Edition

The health and physical damages of the TV to the viewer, and how to deal with it...

The End of Nations

First Edition

The stories of the end of nations and states in the history since the prophet Noah to the end of Muslims nation at the end of history.

The Books

What The Prophet Muhammad Likes and Dislikes

Ninth Edition
A reference book in all what prophet Muhammad (PBUH) likes and dislikes of worships, people, lands, affairs, food things, etc...

Your Guide To Woman

Sixth Edition
A guide about the physical & psychological  characters of woman and how to treat her in the different stages of her life...

How To Female Could Be Successful and Popular

Fifth Edition

The methods for woman to be successful and popular in the most fields of life...

Why Fajr Prayer

Fourth Edition

Fajr prayer and its benefits to the Muslim prayer.

You and the Money

First Edition

How to earn money and to keep it, and how to avoid losing it...

Your Child and TV

Third Edition
The health, physical and psychological damages of TV to the viewer, and how to deal with it... 

Al-Eqtisadiah Newspaper published an article for the author Adnan Tarsha about his book:
"What Allah Likes and Dislikes".

Another article in the same Newspaper about the book:
"What Prophet Muhammad Likes and Dislikes".

Various News of the Books

Interview in a Radio Program

Adnan Tarsha was a guest in the program "The Club of Book" in  Radio of Riyadh. The subject was about his book: "Our Meetings, Where to".

Signature Ceremony in Riyadh

In the occasion of opening Riyadh International Book Exhibition, Obeikan publisher organized a signature ceremony for the author Adnan Tarsha on March 5, 2007.

Interview in a TV Program

Adnan Tarsha was a guest in the TV program "Culture Dialogues". The subject was about his two books: "How To Male Could Be Successful and Popular" and "How To Female Could Be Successful and Popular".

"The Satanic Nakedness" on TV

Almajd TV through its program "Issues" presented an idea about the book "The Satanic Nakedness"...

Interview in a TV Program

Aljazeera-Children TV channel made an interview with Adnan Tarsha about his book "Your Child and TV" and asked him some questions about children and television and requested from him to give some advises for them and for their parents.

Publishing a book in a magazine

Attawheed magazine is publishing the book "What Allah Likes and Dislikes" as a serial in the issues of the magazine...

Adnan Tarsha in the Top 10

After he became on of the top 10 authors in Saudi Arabia, Adnan Tarsha became too in the top 10 authors list in Indonesia.

Best Seller Book

"Why Fajr Prayer" is the best seller book in Indonesia.

Best Seller Book

"How To Female Could Be Successful and Popular" is the best seller book in Indonesia.

Interview in the Saudi TV - Channel 2 in 1987

As he is an exercises trainer and the author for the book "Prayer, Sport and Body" which explain the physical benefits of the movements which the Muslim doing it in the prayer, Mr. Adnan Tarsha has been invited by the channel two in the Saudi TV to be a guest in the English program "Islam in Perspective-the Concept of Hajj" presented by Dr. Muhsin Alhassan to present an explanation about the physical benefits of the prayer's movements and Pilgrimage.



Translated Books to Other Language

Several non Arabic publishing houses had translated some of these books to other language like Indonesian and Urdo. Some of these books are published by several publishers.

Below are the covers of the translated books with the name of the author in different ways like: Syaikh Adnan Tharsyah, Adnan At-Tharsyah, Adnan Tharsyah, Syaikh Adnan Ath-Tharsyah.

What Allah Likes and Dislikes "Urdu Pakistani"   What The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Likes and Dislikes "Urdu"
What Allah Likes and Dislikes "Bahasa Indonesian" "by 4 different Publishers" Indian Edition
What The Prophet Muhammad Likes and Dislikes "3 Publishers"
Prayer, Sport and Body Our Meetings, Where To "Bahasa Indonesian"   Our Meetings, Where To"Urdu Pakistani"
لماذا صلاة الفجر
Why Fajr Prayer "by group of Publishers"
How To Female Could Be Successful and Popular "by 4 different Publishers" How To Male Could Be Successful and Popular
"by 2 different Publishers"
The Satanic Nakedness "by 4 different Publishers" "Bahasa Indonesian" and "Malay" Your Guide To Woman
You and the Money "by 2 different Publishers" The End Of Nations